The National Average Mortgage Rate declined for the fifth consecutive week to 6.31%. This is good news for sellers and buyers of real estate as it reflects some stabilization in the market.
Mortgage Rates Down Again

Dramatic Drop in Mortgage Rate

The National Average Mortgage rate is 6.33% this week as reported by Freddie Mac. This is the fourth consecutive week of decline in the rate. In fact the rate has declined three quarters of a percent in this period, the sharpest decline since 2008.
Mortgage Rate Declines for third week

Mortgage rates continued to decline this week as optimism that the Federal Reserve will slow Fed Rate hikes. The optimism is based on indications that the actions of the Federal Reserve have started working to control inflation.
Market is Softening with Prices Holding

The typical measurements of a slowing market are evident in the October numbers; inventory is up; the number of sales, with prices holding for now. Time will tell when/how supply and demand forces will influence prices but as of now values are being maintained.
The upshot? Now is still a good time to sell if you need or want to. The key is to partner with a real estate agent knowledgeable in where the market is now and skilled in the tools and strategies for a successful sale.
Details on these statistics can be found here:
Inventory up
Sales Down
Prices Holding
Good News or Better Record-keeping?

Probably both. Freddie Mac reported the National Average Mortgage rate dropped to 6.61% this week down from 7.08% reported last week. The commentary cited incoming data suggesting inflation may have peaked (the good news). In the same report, Freddie announced enhancements they’ve made in reporting the weekly average rate. They’ve expanded and changed their dataset suggesting a more accurate measurement moving forward. The next few weeks will be interesting to determine how the new methodology effects the number.
If you need more information about a mortgage for a purchase you’re considering, let me know and I’ll connect you to a mortgage professional with all the answers.
Don’t stop at the Interest Rate

Don’t stop at just the interest rate. Now more than ever you need to work with a team that will find the perfect loan for YOU! Reach out to me to start the process.
Average Mortgage Rate dips below 7% this week

Amid continuing economic uncertainty, the National Average Mortgage rate dipped below 7% this week as reported by Freddie Mac.
Broward County Real Estate Market update

The statistics for September 2022 have been compiled and no surprise, they document that we’re in a changing market. While the number of sales is decreasing and the number of homes available for sale (what we call “inventory), the median selling price has been fairly stable, in fact unchanged for three months at its highest point for condominiums
So where are things headed? It’s too early to predict of course. What we do know is that it remains a very favorable market for sellers. The key is to be sure to partner with a real estate agent with knowledge of the numbers and the tools and resources to achieve the best outcome. If this is your time to sell, give me a call do discuss your specific circumstances.
If you would like a complete set of the statistics I compile each month, click here.
National Average Mortgage Rate

The rate of increase slowed this week and still under 7%. Before you take yourself out of the South Florida real estate market due to interest rates, you owe it to yourself to speak to a mortgage professional to discuss your plans and dreams. If you need a recommendation, reach out to me.