The buzz-phrase this month is price deceleration.
August Statistics

First Time Homebuyers

Clearly this can be a time of frustration for people contemplating buying their first home. The benefits of home ownership are clear but the path can appear daunting. Here’s a quick video with some advice for what buyers should be doing now to make sure they’re ready when the time is right. Please take a look and share with anyone you know who might find it helpful.
National Average Mortgage Rate

The National Average Mortgage Rate is 6.70% this week. Notably, Freddie Mac reports that they are finding “large dispersion in rates” meaning that borrowers should shop around to compare.
National Average Mortgage Rate

The National Average Mortgage Rate is 6.29% this week.
Milestone Reached?

The national average mortgage rate rose over 6% this week; the highest it’s been since 2008.
National Average Mortgage Rate

Freddie Mac suggests shopping around for the best rate which is good advice. Better advice is to choose a great mortgage lender professional to give. you the service you deserve (along with a great rate).
National Average Mortgage Rate

Statements from the Federal Reserve continue to roil markets, including the mortgage market.